Wellbeing At Work...
Below are our articles on the subject of Wellbeing At Work. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoiding the Afternoon Energy Slump
To prevent and cure energy slumps at work it is important to drink lots of water, eat healthy energy boosting snacks and make sure you take regular breaks....

Beating the Monday Blues
If you get the Monday blues then spend your Sunday night doing something fun and make plans for the week so you don't focus on the dreaded work or consider getting a…...

Creating a Happy Work Environment
If you are not happy in your work environment then you need to change it by personalising your space and communicating with colleagues....

Dealing with Depression and Work
There is still a stigma surrounding depression but if it is affecting your work you need to seek help....

Gaining a Work/Life Balance
It can be tricky to obtain that elusive work/life balance. Decide what your priorities are and then consider a new career, flexible working or managing your workload…...

How to Get Job Satisfaction
Gaining job satisfaction is possible, you just need to know what you want form your career and then go and get it....

How to Have an Environmentally Friendly Office
To be environmentally friendly at work, encourage your colleagues to recycle, take green transport and limit their waste....

Overcoming Stress at Work
Collapsing under stress is no good for you, your employer or your family so talk about your problems, seek help and stop the stress before it becomes too much....