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How to Have an Environmentally Friendly Office

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 24 Apr 2014 | comments*Discuss
Environmentally Friendly Recycle Green

The world is currently obsessed with being environmentally friendly and for good reason. We are getting through so many resources so quickly that there are going to be severe problems if we don’t cut back. Most people have now started doing their bit at home but what about at work? The amount of waste produced by companies is huge and it makes no sense to not have the same environmental morals in the workplace.

Every small step you take will help the environment and if you can get your colleagues involved and the support of your boss, then you can make a big difference. Consider implementing some of these ideas:

  • Recycle
  • Green transport
  • Cut the cardboard cups
  • Don’t print too much


Think about the amount of things you throw away at work, whether it is letters, drinks bottles or empty print cartridges. All these things can be recycled instead of adding to the mass of waste. Talk to your boss about implementing a recycling system with simple colour coded bins. People will soon catch on and it takes only second longer than throwing it all in together. Also, encourage colleagues to re-use things such as using scrap envelopes as note paper.

Green Transport

Millions of people commuting to work every day has a huge impact on the environment. All those cars chugging out carbon emissions is one of the biggest contributors to the hole in the ozone layer. Consider whether you could car pool with other colleagues and set up a scheme where people can find others who live in their area. Alternatively consider using green transport such as cycling or walking, or take public transport to work.

Cut The Cardboard Cups

If you have one of those drinks machines that churns out a new paper or plastic cup every time you want a drink then think about how much waste you get through each day. Although it might seem like more hassle, converting back to good old fashioned cups and glasses will be a lot better for the environment. Keep your own cup that you are in charge of washing and then you won’t have to share with the rest of the office.

Don’t Print Too Much

Are you one of those people that print off every email? Do you get through packs of paper like water? If so, then you need to get your printing habit under control. Often there is no need to print of the page and if you really need to then you can usually re-use paper to do so. Keep a stack of scrap paper by the printer so that it is easy to get hold of the next time you want to print a document.

Being environmentally friendly doesn’t have to only be a personal thing. To make a positive impact on the planet it is important that everybody gets involved, especially workplaces. Start off simple and make it easy for your colleagues to switch to a better practice. Encourage recycling, car pooling and limiting the amount of paper you use and you will soon be doing your bit to saving the plant.

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