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How to Eat Well at Work

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 16 Feb 2017 | comments*Discuss
Eating Healthy Breakfast Carbs Lunch

Eating healthily is important but it can be difficult to do when you are working. Staff canteens often don’t provide many healthy options and when you need an afternoon energy boost it is easy to reach for the chocolate. It is possible to eat healthily at work though, it just takes some planning, thinking ahead and a little bit of willpower! Once you start sticking to it and avoiding those unhealthy foods, you will be surprised how much more energy and ability to concentrate that you have.

Eat Breakfast

Your mum may have told you it but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Stocking up on healthy foods in the morning that release energy slowly, will help set you up for your day at work. Fill up on things such as porridge or muesli, a bagel or eggs as well as fruit. Avoid sugary cereals or stodgy foods that will weigh you down and leave you reaching for the snacks mid-morning.

Avoid Heavy Carbs at Lunch

After a difficult morning at work it is tempting to reward yourself with a nice comforting meal at lunch time. However, eating something heavy and fattening at lunch will just leave you feeling bloated and lacking energy in the afternoon. Try eating lots of protein instead. The best way to make sure that you stick to this plan is to bring your food in from home. Plan ahead and make double portions at dinner the night before or stop off and pick up something like sushi or a chicken salad on the way to work.

Treat Yourself

As soon as you ban something from your diet you are automatically going to crave it. Nothing should be off limits but everything should be enjoyed in moderation. Treat yourself to a small biscuit in the afternoon or finish off your lunch with a few squares of dark chocolate. Alternatively, save up your cheats for a Friday lunch and enjoy yourself. Looking forward to this during the week will help you stay strong and avoid other temptations.

Stock Up on Healthy Snacks

When the biscuit tin is being passed around the office it can be very difficult to say no and it soon descends into ‘just one’. It is good to snack throughout the day to keep your metabolism working and your energy levels up. Just make sure that they are healthy snacks. Again, planning in advance is the best plan so bring snacks in from home. Stock up on fruit, natural yoghurt or carrot sticks and hummus.

When you do your weekly shop have your workday food in mind. Planning ahead and having healthy lunches and snacks in your bag is the best way to avoid eating badly. Don’t get bogged down with heavy, carb laden lunches and opt for protein filled dishes instead. Don’t deny yourself anything though, just eat it all in moderation and use those treats to motivate you. Also, make sure you start the day right by having a big healthy breakfast to go to work on.

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UNFAIR247 - Your Question:
My current employer hasn't provided me with an area for me to take my break. We don't have a kitchen or staff room so there is nowhere to sit and eat plus we don't have a microwave, kettle or a sink except from the bathroom sinks. I have asked for a kettle and a microwave more than one occasion but ive been declined everytime. Is this illegal and an unhealthy workplace environment?

Our Response:
You can see more via the HSE leaflet here . You may wish to speak to your employer again regarding this.
WelfareAtWork - 16-Feb-17 @ 1:37 PM
My current employer hasn't provided me with an area for me to take my break. We don't have a kitchen or staff room so there is nowhere to sit and eat plus we don't have a microwave, kettle or a sink except from the bathroom sinks. I have asked for a kettle and a microwave more than one occasion but ive been declined everytime. Is this illegal and an unhealthy workplace environment?
UNFAIR247 - 16-Feb-17 @ 2:03 AM
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